Meet Kahdre

Your Dance Maestro and Music Creator

Mastering Dance Rhythms and Crafting Musical Magic

Kahdre, a true virtuoso in both the dance and music worlds, is your guide to a harmonious blend of movement and sound. With a magnetic presence on the dance floor, Kahdre offers expertise in ballroom, Latin, hip-hop, and the art of music creation, making every class an immersive experience.

Kahdre's Dance Journey:

🕺 Ballroom Brilliance: Kahdre's journey in dance began with the precision of ballroom. His ballroom classes are a testament to grace, elegance, and the joy of partnership.

💃 Latin Fire: In the world of Latin dance, Kahdre is a firestarter. His Latin classes ignite the passion of salsa, bachata, and more, creating a sizzling dance experience.

🎤 Hip-Hop Maven: Kahdre's hip-hop sessions are a showcase of urban dance culture. His classes are an exploration of rhythm, style, and self-expression.

🎶 Musical Maestro: Beyond the dance floor, Kahdre is a music creator. His original compositions provide the soundtrack to our dance journey, infusing each class with unique melodies.

🔥 Fusion Artist: Kahdre's choreography is a fusion of dance and music. His classes are a harmonious blend of movement and sound, where students groove to original beats.

🌟 Creative Visionary: Kahdre's creativity knows no bounds. He encourages students to explore their artistic sides, both on the dance floor and in the world of music.

🎵 Sound Explorer: Kahdre's love for music is boundless. He's constantly exploring new sounds and rhythms, enriching our dance experience with fresh musical perspectives.

Join Kahdre on the dance floor for a journey that combines the elegance of ballroom, the heat of Latin dance, the energy of hip-hop, and the magic of original music. His classes are an artistic fusion that celebrates both movement and melody.

Ready to get started?

Pick the style you're most interested in learning

Get paired up with one of our amazing instructors

Your first lesson is only $25

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